Today is Thursday, so this post is on communication skills.
I mentioned Women’s Edge Magazine in yesterday’s post ( It is a great print mag. I found several articles in the January issue that I really liked. One article listed tips for speaking with authority. Since presentation skills are a critical component of communication skills, I’ve decided to list a few of them here, along with the names of the women who provided them.
Tips for Speaking With Authority
- “Relax. If you know your subject, it should come naturally.” Cindy Anderson, CPA
- “Take lot’s of deep breaths before you speak. Try to convey a sense of fun and spontaneity.” Lisa Grele Barrie
- “Make sure you’ve planned what you’re going to say. Avoid the dreaded fillers like ‘um, like and you know’.” Diane Bliss
- “Your believability and credibility depend on your reputation, so make sure your audience knows your qualifications beforehand. Also, don’t hesitate to appeal to emotion as well as reason.” Patty Briguglio
- “Eliminate PowerPoint and just talk to your audience! Share conversation as well as information.” Mary Contando
- “Be authentic and stand in it. Remember, it’s about who are, and not what you can sell someone.” Jan DeLory
- “Be comfortable with yourself, so you can connect with others on a real and personal level.” Lynn F. Dickey, PhD
- “Make sure you are engaged, maintain eye contact…and don’t hold your breath.” Jill Wells Heath
- “Be willing to risk what you have to get what you want. Stand firm on your principles even when your knees are shaking.” Catherine Hoag
- “Take up as much physical space as possible when speaking. Open yourself up to others and they will open up to you.” Erika Mangrum
- "Simple…Never doubt yourself.” April Mills
- “Be yourself and you’ll have the credibility you desire.” Caire B. Niver
- “Adopt a warm and friendly style to put others at ease.” Billie Redmond
- “Know your material and communicate it in a manner that inspires confidence and action.” Chris Young
Review these 14 pieces of common sense advice the next time you have to make a presentation. Take them to heart and put them to work. You’ll deliver a dynamite presentation. I guarantee it. After all, they’re just common sense.
That’s it for today. Thanks for reading. Log on to my website for more common sense. I am not posting regularly on my blog right now, as I want to concentrate on this one. It is still up though. Please don’t cancel your RSS feed as I will be posting there occasionally. And, you can still get a free ebook version of my book 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations by visiting .
I’ll see you around the web and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
PS: Speaking of Alex’s Lemonade Stand, my fundraising page is still open. Please go to to read Alex’s inspiring story and to donate if you can.
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