Loving What You Do Is the First Step Toward Outstading Performance

Today is Wednesday, so this post is on outstanding performance.

Yesterday was my birthday (it really was).
I hung one more year on the line.
But I’m not depressed.
‘Cause my life’s not a mess.
I’m having a good time.

I hope that Paul Simon doesn’t mind that I borrowed and changed his lyrics.  However, they capture the essence of today’s post.

Yesterday morning I spent some quality writing time in a hotel room in Chicago.  I had a sales call with an existing client in the afternoon.  Then I drove 200 miles to another city where I have some client work today and tomorrow.  I will go home on Friday.

I was speaking with a friend who called with birthday greetings.  When he heard that I was not only not in Denver for my birthday, and my agenda for the day, he said “that’s a drag, having to spend your birthday away from home and working.” 

I said, “no, it’s actually very good.  I like what I do, and so it doesn’t seem like work to me.”  Cathy made sure that I had a great weekend prior to my birthday.  We went to dinner at Potager, one of my favorite restaurants, and then saw a pre Broadway performance of the new Disney musical, The Little Mermaid on Saturday.  Then we saw a great French movie called My Best Friend on Sunday, followed by one of my favorite late summer meals – fresh tomatoes and corn on the cob.  So I did celebrate.

As I thought about my friend’s comment, I realized how lucky I am.  I love what I do, so it doesn’t seem like work to me.  Not a lot of people can say that. 

But that’s the common sense point for today.  Find something that you love to do, and you’ll become an outstanding performer.  Work won’t seem like work, it will be interesting and fun.

I know that a lot of people will scoff at this suggestion.  I realize that changing jobs and careers is not easy – especially later in life.  It can take a lot of courage.  However, it’s worth it.  When you truly enjoy what you do, you don’t work for a living, you have fun making a living.

Two examples — both friends on mine — come to mind here.  Summers Bruno left a job at Paramount to go to work for a branding company.  She took a salary cut to do it, but she’s much happier – and she excels at what she’s doing.  Sharon Ludtke left publishing where she had Managing Editor of Fast Company, a pretty cool magazine, to become the Director of Design for a boutique winery. 

Both Summers and Sharon are happier because of their moves – and more importantly, they are both high performers.

To reiterate, the common sense point here is simple – find a job that you love and you’ll be well on your way toward becoming an otustanding performer.

That’s it for today.  Thanks for reading.  Log on to my website www.BudBilanich.com to subscribe to my monthly ezine and for more common sense.  Check out my other blog: www.CommonSenseGuy.com for common sense advice on leading people and running a small business.

I’ll see you around the web, and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.


PS: Speaking of Alex’s Lemonade Stand – my fundraising page is still open.  Please go to www.FirstGiving.com/TheCommonSenseGuy to read Alex’s inspiring story and to donate if you can.


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