Your career mentor does a lot of personal development work. I read lots of blogs and follow people who I admire and respect.
John Maxwell is one of those people. Most people think of him as a motivational writer and speaker. But I think he is more than that. In addition to being very motivational, Dr. Maxwell always offers common sense advice that can help you on your life and career success journey.
The other day, I came across a post on Pinterest called John Maxwell’s Daily Dozen. It’s advice on twelve things that will help you become a better person and a life and career success.
You see it on the right side of this post.
Take a look at these twelve items.
- Attitude — Choose and display the right attitude daily.
- Priorities — Determine and act on important priorities daily.
- Health — Know and follow healthy guidelines daily.
- Family — Communicate with care with your family daily.
- Thinking — Develop and practice good thinking daily.
- Commitments — Keep the commitments you make daily.
- Finances — Properly manages your dollars daily.
- Faith — Deepen and live out you faith (or spiritual connection) daily.
- Relationships — Initiate and invest in solid relationships daily.
- Generosity — Model generosity daily.
- Values — Embrace and practice good values daily.
- Growth — Seek and experience improvement daily.
Put them to work in your life and watch your success grow.
Your career mentor,
PS — You can download a free copy of my bestseller, Straight Talk for Success at When you do, you’ll also begin receiving my daily motivational quotes and get a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.
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