10 Great Communication Tips

Effective communication is the key to successful relationships  Successful relationships are the key to life and career success.  All business s based on relationships.

The article below is written about personal relationships, but the advice applies just as well to business relationships.  Check it out…


I think all 10 pieces of advice are great.  ButI particularly like number 2 — avoid global labels.  Very few things happen always or never, yet when we get angry we often ” accuse others of “always doing this,” or “never doing that.”   If you avoid these two words — always and never — when you find yourself in a conflict situation, you’ll find that you’ll be better able to resolve it in a way that enhances not detracts from the relationships you’ve worked hard to create.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my bestselling book, Climbing the Corporate Ladder at www.BudBilanich.com.climbing/ When you do, I’ll begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free membership in my career mentoring site.

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