I’ve been blogging about life and career success for almost 10 years now. Recently I took a look at some of my most reposted career mentor posts.
“25 Things to do to Create Your Career Success” was and is one of the most popular. Even though it might anger the Google Gods and be seen as duplicate content, I’m posting it again today.
25 Things to Do to Create Your Career Success
- Develop your personal definition of career and life success.
- Create a clear mental image of yourself as a career success.
- Clarify your personal values.
- Take personal responsibility for your life and career success.
- Set high goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them.
- Choose to respond positively to negative people and events.
- Choose to be optimistic about your life and career success.
- Face your fears and take action.
- Surround yourself with positive people.
- Find a mentor who will help you create your life and career success.
- Master your technical discipline.
- Become a lifelong learner.
- Manage your time, life and stress well.
- Live a healthy lifestyle.
- Develop and nurture your unique personal brand.
- Live your personal brand consistently and constantly.
- Dress for success.
- Create an on line presence that enhances your life and career success.
- Learn, know and follow the basic rules of business etiquette.
- Develop excellent conversation skills.
- Develop excellent writing skills.
- Become an excellent presenter.
- Understand yourself. Use this self-awareness to better understand others.
- Build relationships by paying it forward.
- Resolve conflict with minimal disruption to your relationships.
- Be a team player.
You’ll notice that my list of 25 actually has 26 bits of career success advice. This is because I always do my best to over deliver. You should too.
If you build a brand as someone who goes above and beyond what is really necessary you’ll put yourself on the road to the life and career success you deserve. You have to show that you care.
Tweet 100 in my career mentoring book Success Tweets says it pretty well…
“Care about what you do. If you care a little, you’ll be an OK performer. If you care a lot you’ll become an outstanding performer — and a career success.”
Do you care enough to go the extra mile? I know you do. That’s why you’ll succeed.
Your career mentor,
PS — You can download a free copy of Success Tweets and its companion piece, Success Tweets Explained at www.SuccessTweets.com. When you do, you’ll also begin receiving my daily motivational quotes and get a free basic membership in my career mentoring site. Go ahead, do it now, while you’re thinking about it.
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