42 Rules for Creating WE and Success

Competence is one of the keys to career and life success that I discuss in several of my books: Straight Talk for Success; Your Success GPS; and 42 Rules to Jumpstart Your Professional Success.  If you want to succeed you need to develop four basic, but important competencies: 1) creating positive personal impact; 2) becoming a consistently high performer; 3) dynamic communication skills; and 4) becoming interpersonally competent.

Relationship building is an important key to interpersonal competence.  Relationships are all about WE, not me.  In an increasingly contentious world in which civility seems to be a thing of the past, the simple concept of “WE” seems to be lost.  However, my colleagues at the Creating WE Institute are trying to do something about this.

Today, September 17 is the Amazon.com launch date for 42 Rules for Creating WE.  I contributed three chapters to this book.  You can purchase it from Amazon.com.  Just follow this link:


42 Rules for Creating WE is edited by Judith E. Glaser, a long time colleague and friend – and the author of the bestseller Creating WE.  Judith and I have worked together on several projects over the years.  18 of my colleagues from the Creating WE Institute contributed to this book.  
42 Rules for Creating WE contains creative, innovative insights and ways to practice WE-centric thinking in your own organization.  It provides clear strategies for breathing life into your workplace, for creating opportunity and possibility and for making this world a little less contentious and a little more civil.

My rules are # 2, “There is No Quid Pro Quo in WE”; # 21, “Always Act in a Manner That Honors Yourself and Your Associates”; and # 36, “Big WE, Little Me.”

I am very happy to share this book with you.  42 Rules for Creating WE is an incredibly profound compilation — thanks to the wonderful insights and collaboration of my colleagues in the Creating WE Institute.  These folks are very talented practitioners who have been engaged in helping their clients Create WE for many years.  The book will show you how to think differently about how we all can work together.

Today, September 17th is the launch date for 42 rules for Creating WE.  My coauthors and I are hoping to make it Amazon.com bestseller today.  

 Here is a link to the sales page for 42 Rules for Creating WE.


 If you’d like to purchase 42 Rules for Creating WE please do so at Amazon.com today, September 17.  Once again, here is a link to the sales page for 42 Rules for Creating WE.


You may want to buy three or four copies of 42 Rules for Creating WE – one for you, and a couple to give to your friends and colleagues.  I will be ever so grateful to you for purchasing even one.  Buy purchasing 42 Rules for Creating WE you can help us spread the word and continue to Create WE.

I know that you’ll enjoy 42 Rules for Creating WE. And, I want to thank you for your continued support of me and what I do.


The common sense point here is simple.  Relationship building is a key career and life success competency.  Approach relationships from a “WE” – not “me” perspective and you’ll be very likely to create solid, long lasting, mutually beneficial relationships that will benefit you greatly as you go through your life and career.  My colleagues and I at the Creating WE Institute have written a great little book called 42Rules for Creating WE.  You can get it by following this link: http://www.creatingweinstitute.com/publishing.html.  

That’s my take on building relationships by taking a “WE” approach.  What’s yours?  Please take a few minutes to leave a comment.  And, all of us at the Creating WE Institute will be very grateful if you purchase a copy of 42 Rules for Creating WE today, September 17.  As always, thanks for reading.



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