Emotional intelligence is more than a buzz phrase. It’s an important key to creating a successful liked and career.
This article describes five attributes of emotionally intelligent people. It is written to help interviewers get a handle on the emotional intelligence of candidates, but I think it provides you with some great ideas on how you can build your own level of emotional intelligence.
While all of the five indicators of emotional intelligence…
- Curiosity
- Self Awareness
- Self Motivation
- Likeability
- Empathy
are important, for my money self awareness is the place start. Tweet 125 in my career advice book Success Tweets says..
“Get to know yourself. Use your self knowledge to better understand others and build relationships with them.”
The better you know yourself, the easier it is to see how you are similar or different from others — and adjust your behavior accordingly. This makes it easier to build the strong relationships that will help you create the life and career success you deserve.
Your career mentor,
PS: You can download a free copy of Success Tweets and it’s companion piece, Success Tweets Explained at www.SuccessTweets.com. When you do, I’ll start sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.
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