How to Take Charge of Your Life and Career

It’s important to be intentional about your life and career.

That’s why I like this article.  It provides you with 15 tips on how to intentionally create the life and career you want.

I like all of these — but I love a couple.

I especially like number 15: “Watch children play” is a great way to build your creativity.

Number 13 is my favorite — “Surround yourself with people who are advocates, who help your dreams take flight, who watch you make mistakes quietly, and who love you afterwards. Quietly split off from those who silence your dreams, clip your wings, and keep you on the ground.”

Reminds me of the advice in Tweet 49 in my career mentor book, Success Tweets: “Surround yourself with positive people.  Hold them close. They will give you energy and help you create the success you want and deserve.”

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a copy of Success Tweets and its companion piece Success Tweets Explained at  When you do you’ll begin receiving my daily success quotes and you’ll get a free membership to my career mentor site.


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