Getting to the Other Side

Gary Ryan Blair is a friend of mine.  His book, Everything Counts, is one of my favorite personal development books.  Gary has a way of taking the mundane and turning it into serious life lessons.  Yesterday I received an email from Gary which he began with the old joke, “Why did the chicken cross the road?”  Gary turned this old joke into some common sense life and career success advice.  Check it out…

Why did the chicken cross the road?” is a well-known riddle.

The punch line of which is: “To get to the other side.”

A punch line is the final part of a joke, comedy sketch, or profound statement which is intended to be funny or to provoke laughter or thought.

If you’ll allow me, I’d like to show you how to use this silly: “To get to the other side.” punch line as a powerful philosophy for turning your dreams into reality.

Ready? Let’s go…

  • On the other side of ordinary is extraordinary
  • On the other side of defeat is victory
  • On the other side of war is peace.
  • On the other side of intentions are results.
  • On the other side of fat is muscle.
  • On the other side of apathy is passion.
  • On the other side of anger is love.
  • On the other side of mediocrity is excellence.
  • On the other side of resentment is forgiveness.
  • On the other side of debt is wealth.
  • On the other side of fear is freedom.
  • On the other side of comfort is adventure.
  • On the other side of cowardice is courage.
  • On the other side of excuses is responsibility.
  • On the other side of deceit is integrity.
  • On the other side of vice is virtue.
  • On the other side of problems are opportunities.
  • On the other side of scarcity is abundance.
  • On the other side of arrogance is humility.
  • On the other side of sadness is joyfulness.
  • On the other side of darkness is light.
  • On the other side of cruelty is kindness.
  • On the other side of liabilities are assets.
  • On the other side of prejudice is understanding.
  • On the other side of despair is hope.
  • On the other side of failure is success.
  • On the other side of taking is giving.
  • On the other side of trivial is important.
  • On the other side of boring is interesting.
  • On the other side of ignorance is knowledge.
  • On the other side of weakness is strength.
  • On the other side of complexity is simplicity.
  • On the other side of embarrassment is pride.
  • And, on the other side of every no is a yes.

I’ve spent the better part of 20 years helping people to understand that ongoing personal development and goal setting is all about getting to the other side.

I hope that this message has inspired you to see things a bit differently, and to start doing different things so that you enjoy and experience what’s waiting for you on the other side…whatever that “other side” may mean to you.

The final week of January is about to unfold…choose to make it big, bold and absolutely beautiful. And by all means possible, do everything you can get to finish it out strong by getting to the other side of some important goals and projects.

Everything Counts!

What’s on the other side for you?  What will you do to get there?  Will you turn your weaknesses into strengths?  Will you turn your fear into freedom?  Will you stop making excuses and take personal responsibility for your success? Quick and get one of the debt relief programs in your bank.

If you put in the time and effort to get to the other side you’ll reap the rewards and have a successful, fulfilling life and career.

Your career mentor,




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