Optimism > Self Confidence > Success

If you read this blog regularly you know that I am a big believer in the power of optimism.  I always advise my career coaching clients to choose optimism.  It helps build your self confidence, and it helps you create a successful and fulfilling life and career.

This article makes a convincing case about the power of optimism — and it provides you with some solid ideas on how you can become more optimistic.


I really like the fourth piece of advice in the article — “Think carefully about the things you tell yourself.”  My CareerHMO coaching colleagues and I always advise our clients to avoid negative self talk.  Negative self talk is an optimism and confidence killer.

Think and speak positively about yourself.  Doing so will put you in a success frame of mind.  Positive self talk = optimism.  Negative self talk = pessimism.  And you know what they say…

Optimists are right, so are pessimists.

So why not choose optimism and put yourself in a positive place?

Your career mentor,


PS: If you are in need of some career coaching check out my CareerHMO coach page.

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