8 Qualities Employers Most Want in Their Employees

A while back, I saw an article that highlighted the eight qualities employers most want in their employees. Check out these eight qualities and the tweets in my career advice book, Success Tweets: 140 Bits of Common Sense Career Success Advice, All in 140 Characters or Less, to which they correspond…

Being a team player (chosen by 71 percent of surveyed companies)

  • Success Tweet 137 – Do your job. Give credit to others for doing theirs. Everyone likes to work with people who share the credit for a job well done.

Fully focused on satisfying customers (chosen by 68 percent of surveyed companies)

  • Success Tweet 99 – Get the job done with what you’ve got. Don’t worry about what you don’t have or would like to have.

Motivate and engage others in their jobs (chosen by 65 percent of surveyed companies)

  • Success Tweet 121 – Get genuinely interested in others. Help bring out the best in everyone you know.

Success in achieving your “critical few objectives” (chosen by 62 percent of surveyed companies)

  • Success Tweet 31 – Plan how you will achieve your goals. Then do whatever you hto do, not what you want or feel like doing, to achieve them.

Work smart (chosen by 60 percent of surveyed companies)

  • Success Tweet 82 – Learn faster than the world changes. In a world that never stops changing, you can never stop learning and growing.
  • Success Tweet 34 – Treat failures as the tuition you pay to succeed. Learn from your setbacks and failures. Use what you learn.

Work hard (chosen by 57 percent of surveyed companies)

  • Success Tweet 96 – good truly is the enemy of great. Don’t settle for good performance. Today, good performance is mediocre. Become a great performer.

Add value to the organization (chosen by 52 percent of surveyed companies)

  • Success Tweet 83 – Master your technical discipline. Share what you know. . Become the go to person in your discipline in your company.

Contribute to improving the bottom line (chosen by 48 percent of surveyed companies)

  • Success Tweet 85 – Always be on the lookout for new ideas. Find opportunities where others see obstacles.

There is some great common sense career advice here. Take a look at these eight qualities. Do an honest assessment of yourself. Which ones describe you? Where do you fall a little short? Keep doing what you do well, and figure out how to improve in the ones where you fall short.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of Success Tweets at www.SuccessTweets.com. When you do, I’ll begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.


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