Speak Up to Move Up

Saint Patrick’s Day is coming and I’ve got a great gift for you! It’s not a mug of green beer, it’s a free webinar that will help you speak up and move up.  Here are the details…

Women in the Workplace: How to Speak Up to Move Up
Friday, March 17, 2017
10 am – 11:00 am PST

• Do you get interrupted when you’re speaking?
• Do others take credit for your ideas?
• Do you wonder how to get your boss to listen?
• Does it seem as if you’re not invited to the right meetings?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, your need to join my friend Liz Goodgold as she attacks the speaking habits that are holding you back from reaching your pot of gold.

It will be your lucky day because Liz has put together a feast of strategies that work! And, it’s free!

Go here to register.


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