The Importance of Treating People With Respect

I wrote a column that appeared in the March issue of PM 360, a magazine for pharmaceutical and medical device marketers.  In that column, I focused on the importance of treating other people with respect.

You can check it out at

In that column, I discuss the micro messages we send to others.  I urged my readers to focus on sending micro-affirmations, and to avoid micro-inequities or micro-aggressions.

This morning, I saw a piece on The Upworthiest that hit the nail on the head when it came to micro-inequities.  The examples in the piece clearly are what I would labels as micro-agrressions.  In some cases, they are macro-aggressions, as they relate to an entire gender and race.

Check it out, you’ll see what I mean.  

The point here?  Treat people with the respect they deserve as human beings and you’ll do well — in life and in your career.


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