Besides my work as a career mentor, I volunteer with career success organizations.. Last week I participated in the Leadership Investment Mentor Walk in Denver’s City Park. The Leadership Investment is a non-profit organization that focuses on supporting and advancing women in their careers by developing leaders, connecting people and inspiring action.
Shari Harley, President of Candid Culture, a training firm devoted to bringing candor back to the workplace, was the speaker after the walk. Shari believes that we are all 100% accountable for our career success. I like her message about candor when it comes to advancing your career.
Check out her 9 Ways to Advance Your Career…
- Know your reputation. Eliminate your blind spots.
- Tell the people with whom you work most closely that you want their feedback.
- Ask for specific feedback, at least quarterly.
- Make it easy to tell you the truth by saying “thank you” regardless of how hard the feedback is to hear.
- Tell people who can influence your career the feedback you’ve received and how you’re implementing it.
- The way to get your next job is to be great at your current job and ask for more.
- When identifying a problem, suggest a solution and offer to take the lead on implementing it.
- Keep confidences. Don’t gossip.
- Develop relationships with senior people in the organization and ensure they know your accomplishments.
This is great advice on moving forward in your career.
I particularly like Shari’s seventh point. Don’t just point our problems, anybody can do that, and it sounds like griping. Successful people come up with solutions to the problems they identify, and then implement their ideas.
Keep these ideas in mind. Use them and watch your career grow and flourish.
Your career mentor,
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