Check out the Career HMO for Career Success

Greetings from Dublin.  I’m here today and tomorrow working with one of my corporate clients.  I’ll be in the UK Wednesday, Thursday and Friday working with the same client but at a different location.

I’m sure by now you know that I want you to create the life and career success you want and deserve.  That’s why I write this career advice blog even when I’m traveling outside the USA.  It’s also why when I find a great career success resource I pass it on to you.  Careerealism is a great career success resource.  I am a member of their expert panel.

The folks at Careerealism have recently created a new program called the Career HMO.  You can check it out at

The Career HMO has a number of certified coaches who will provide you with individual feedback, job search guidance, resume and cover letter assistance and interview preparation advice – and a lot more.

None of us can go it alone.  That’s why I like the Career HMO concept so much.  Tweet 49 in my career advice book Success Tweets says, “Surround yourself with positive people.  Hold them close.  They will give you energy and help you create your career success.”  Sites like Career HMO help you surround yourself with positive people.  You owe it to yourself to check it out.

Successful people surround themselves with positive people – people who are both positive by nature, and positive about their life and career success. Positive people are optimistic; and optimism is the first step in building your self confidence and life and career success.

Positive people help you feel good about yourself, because they feel good about themselves — and life in general. They help you build your self esteem because they have a strong sense of self esteem. Positive people are there when you begin to doubt yourself.  They are not threatened by you or your career success. They realize that self esteem is not a fixed pie. There is an unlimited amount of it to go around, so positive people are always giving it away.

Here’s a bit of career advice.  Build your self confidence and jumpstart your life and career success by spending your time with upbeat, positive people, like those you’ll find at Career HMO.

This is important in other aspects of life as well. The people around you have an amazing impact on your view of life. When you surround yourself with negative or cynical people, you become negative and cynical. On the other hand, when you surround yourself with positive, self confident people, you become positive and self confident.   The choice is yours. I choose to surround myself with positive people. Not only do they help my self confidence and facilitate my career success, they are more fun to be around.

The common sense career success coach point here is simple.  No one can go it alone.   Follow the career advice in Tweet 49 in Success Tweets.  “Surround yourself with positive people.  Hold them close.  They will give you energy and help you create the career success you want and deserve.”  Positive people are great.  They feel good about themselves and life in general.  They are enthusiastic – and their enthusiasm is contagious.  When you surround yourself with positive people you’ll become more positive and enthusiastic.  And, you’ll be on your way to creating the life and career success you want and deserve.  You can find lots of positive people at the Career HMO site.  Check it out.  Who are the most positive people you know?  Get to know them better, spend more time with them.

That’s my career advice on surrounding yourself with positive people and the positive people at Career HMO.  I suggest that you log on to and check out Career HMO.  If you do, please tell us what you think by leaving a comment.  As always, thanks for taking the time to read my musings on life and career success.



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