Just a short post today – but an important one.
In 2010, I published a little career advice book called Success Tweets: 140 Bits of Common Sense Career Success Advice, All in 140 Characters or Less, and offered it as a free download. Over 5,000 people have taken me up on my offer since. I’ve sold quite a few hard copies too.
I’ve received many thank you notes and nice compliments on Success Tweets. I’ve also received a few questions. People emailed to ask for clarification on a few of the tweets.
So I decided to write a series of blog posts explaining my thoughts on each of the 141 tweets in Success Tweets. I began the series in April 2010 and completed it in November. That took 28 weeks, 395 pages and more than 120,000 words. I spent this time and effort because I want to give you all of my best thinking on what it takes to become a life and career success.
You can see the Success Tweets Blog at www.SuccessTweets.com. I had such great feedback on the Success Tweets Blog that I’ve decided to compile the blog posts into an eBook. It’s called Success Tweets Explained
Success Tweets Explained is a great companion piece to Success Tweets. Keep it next to your copy of Success Tweets. You can refer to it when you want to further explore the career advice in a specific tweet.
I will be selling bound copies of Success Tweets Explained for $39.95 — it’s that big and valuable. But like Success Tweets, the eBook version is my gift to you. I hope it helps you create the life and career success you want and deserve. You can download your free copy at http://budurl.com/STExp.
After you download and read through Success Tweets Explained, please share your feedback with us in a comment. I really want to know what you think of this career advice book. I put a lot of time and effort into it. As always, thanks for reading this career success blog. I value you and I appreciate you.
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