A lot of my career advice this week was about mentoring. On Monday, I wrote about the career success advice in Thurgood Marshall’s wonderful quote, “None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps. We got here because somebody bent down and helped us.”
Yesterday, I wrote about how Oprah and Cathy — my wife — pay it forward by helping others grow and succeed. Mentors are always paying it forward because they give of themselves with no expectation of return.
Then, I received an email the other day that really got my attention. It said…
Hi Bud,
I am promoting the 6th Annual Mentors Walk, hosted by the Women’sVision Foundation, held June 18th. I was hoping you would be interested in recommending the event in your blog. Thanks in advance for your support of this non-profit event!
Danielle Perrin
I immediately responded telling Danielle that I am happy to help promote such an important event. I went to the Women’sVision site (http://www.womensvision.org) and signed up to be a mentor. I also found this…
Since 2005, the Mentors Walk has brought together senior-level industry executives with individuals in the formative years of their careers. At the beginning of the walk, participants are matched with a mentor for an opportunity to ask questions, share best practices, and learn from mentors’ insights and experiences.
Concerned about finding a mentor right for you? Don’t worry! Women’sVision will help select the best mentors based on shared career interests, connections, and achievements.
I think this is a really cool idea. What could be better than a nice walk in the park while discussing your career success goals and learning from others who have already been there? As I’ve said, I signed up as a mentor as soon as I read the press release.
I love mentoring. I offer this bit of career advice to all of the career success coach clients. “Find a mentor. His or her hindsight can be your foresight.”
We all need mentors. Mentors are positive people by definition. Anyone who is willing to help another person achieve his or her life and career success goals is great in my book.
Tweet 49 in career advice book Success Tweets says, “Surround yourself with positive people. Hold them close. They will give you energy and help you create the career success you deserve.” Taking a walk in the park with a couple hundred people interested in reaching their life and career success goals on a Saturday morning is a pretty fun way to surround yourself with positive people – not to mention a great networking opportunity.
So if you live in Denver or the surrounding area, go to http://www.womensvision.org/ and register for the Mentors Walk. If you’re an experienced professional, register as a mentor. Prove how positive you are by spending a Saturday morning mentoring some highly motivated people. If you’re new in your career, or are jsut seeking some career advice, sign up. Walk and talk with your mentor. You never know where this might lead.
The career success coach point here is simple common sense. We all need mentors to help us on our career success journey. Events like the Denver WomensVision Mentors Walk are great ways for lots of people to come together to create mentoring relationships. If you live in Denver or are going to be here on June 18, sign up and participate. You can sign up at http://www.womensvision.org/ If you’ve participated in a previous Mentors Walk please leave a comment sharing your thoughts with us. As always, thanks for reading my daily thoughts on life and career success. I value you and I appreciate you.
PS: If you haven’t already done so, you can download a free copy of my latest career success book Success Tweets Explained. It’s a whopping 390 + pages of career advice explaining each of the common sense tweets in Success Tweets in detail. Go to http://budurl.com/STExp to claim your free copy. You’ll also start receiving my daily life and career success quotes.
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