Handwritten Thank You Notes and Positive Personal Impact

Today is Tuesday, so this post is on positive personal impact.

It’s January 22, almost a month after Christmas.  Have you written your thank you notes?  I know that it’s easier to email thank yous, but handwritten thank you notes are so much better than email when it comes to making positive personal impact.  A thank you letter is among the most valued and appreciated things by recipients in general. Personalizing them and making sure they are handwritten will boost their emotional impact and, therefore, their significance. 

Here are five common sense tips for writing thank you notes.

1.     Be sincere.  Your note doesn’t have to be long, but it should be sincere.  In other words, don’t say something like “thanks for the gift.”  Instead thank the person for the specific gift he or she gave you.

2.      Tell the giver how his or her gift made you feel.   If it surprised you, say so.  If it made you happy say so.  Sharing your feelings makes a powerful impression on the person who receives your thank you note.

3.      Tell the giver how you will use the gift. For example, one of my nieces sent me a thank you note for a cash gift.  She told me that she is planning on using it to help fund her last college spring break.  My mother in law gave me a very nice digital clock.  In my thank you note I said, “I already have the clock next to my desk in my office so, thanks to you, I’ll always know what time it is.”

4.      Don’t take too long.  You should send thank you notes quickly.  A month is the longest you should wait before sending a thank you note.  I’m writing this post today in the hopes that if you haven’t already written your holiday thank you notes, you’ll get on it right away.

5.      Make your writing legible.  Take a few extra minutes to make your thank you note look clean and neat.  The other person shouldn’t have to struggle to understand what you’re saying.  Cross outs are cute when they are in notes from 10 year old children, not adults.

Handwritten notes of any kind can help your personal impact.  Handwritten thank you notes are absolutely necessary if you want people to remember you and think highly of you.

That’s it for today.  Thanks for reading.  Log on to my website www.BudBilanich.com for more common sense.  I am not posting regularly on my www.CommonSenseGuy.com blog right now, as I want to concentrate on this one.  It is still up, though.  Please don’t cancel your RSS feed as I will be posting there occasionally.  You can still get a free ebook version of my book 4 Secrets of High Performing Organizations by visiting www.CommonSenseGuy.com . 

I’ll see you around the web and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.


PS: Speaking of Alex’s Lemonade Stand, my fundraising page is still open.  Please go to www.FirstGiving.com/TheCommonSenseGuy to read Alex’s inspiring story and to donate if you can.


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