My career mentoring clients often ask me for my best advice on life and career success in a nutshell. For those of you who like lists, here are my 25 best pieces of advice for creating the life and career success you want and deserve.
25 Things to Do to Create Your Career Success
Bud Bilanich, Your Career Mentor
- Develop your personal definition of career and life success.
- Create a clear mental image of yourself as a career success.
- Clarify your personal values.
- Take personal responsibility for your life and career success.
- Set high goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them.
- Choose to respond positively to negative people and events.
- Choose to be optimistic about your life and career success.
- Face your fears and take action.
- Surround yourself with positive people.
- Find a mentor who will help you create your life and career success.
- Master your technical discipline.
- Become a lifelong learner.
- Manage your time, life and stress well.
- Live a healthy lifestyle.
- Develop and nurture your unique personal brand.
- Live your personal brand consistently and constantly.
- Dress for success.
- Create an on line presence that enhances your life and career success.
- Learn, know and follow the basic rules of business etiquette.
- Develop excellent conversation skills.
- Develop excellent writing skills.
- Become an excellent presenter.
- Understand yourself. Use this self-awareness to better understand others.
- Build relationships by paying it forward.
- Resolve conflict with minimal disruption to your relationships.
- Be a team player.
You’ll notice that even though I promised 25 pieces of advice, I’ve provided 26. That’s because I always over deliver. You should too if you want to become really successful.
More important, master all of the skills associated with each of 26 pieces of career advice above and you’ll create the career success you deserve.
Thanks for reading my musings on life and career success. Please take a minute to leave a comment letting us know what you think about the list above.
Your career mentor,
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