Stop Being a Victim

Stuff happens on your career journey — good stuff, bad stuff, frustrating stuff, crazy stuff.

When less than good stuff happens, it’s easy to get into a victim mentality — poor me, why can’t everybody see how smart I am, how good I am, how much I can contribute?

This is a huge career success mistake.

I always tell me career mentor clients that you have to get over it — even when it (whatever it is) seems unfair.

This video makes the same point.

The career mentor point here? Simple. Don’t be a victim.  When things don’t go well do this,,,

  1. Honestly assess why you didn’t get what you wanted.
  2. Find the lesson in the disappointment.  I often tell my career mentor clients that failure is the tuition you pay for success.
  3. Don’t waste your tuition.  Use what you’ve learned to help you better position yourself next time.

When you do this, you empower yourself.  You stop being a victim and become a positive, proactive career success warrior.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my latest career and life success eBook, Career Success Rx here.  When you do, you’ll also begin receiving my daily success quotes and get a free membership in my career mentoring community.


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