Don’t Hold Yourself Back by Making These Mistakes

There’s an old saying that “you don’t get what you don’t ask for.”  Salespeople know this.  That’s why the good ones always ask for your business.

Asking for the promotion you want is one of the pieces of advice in this article.

I like all nine bits of advice in the article, but I like the one about asking for what you want the most.

When I started building my career mentoring business, I learned the TOMA concept — Top Of Mind Awareness.  In other words, when people think of a career mentor, I want to be the first person they think of.  I want to be at the top of their mind.

This is true when it comes to promotions.  While you don’t want to make a pest of yourself, you want your boss to know that you are ready for a promotion.

Here are the steps for getting top of mind awareness with your boss when it comes to promotions…

  1. Do your job extremely well.  Be dependable.  Bring projects in on time and under budget.  Become the go to person for your boss.
  2. Share your knowledge.  Train others to be able to take over for you.
  3. Wait until you have a track record of at least 12 months of high performance before you begin asking for a promotion.
  4. Schedule an update conversation with your boss.  Review your results over the past 12 months.  Tell him or her that you feel as if you’re ready for a new challenge.  Ask for his or her advice on promotional opportunities in your company.  Let him or her know that you have a replacement ready to take over your current responsibilities (see step 2 above).
  5. Keep doing a great job.
  6. Pay attention to job postings in your company.  Ask your boss if he or she thinks you’ll be a good fit for the opportunities that interest you.
  7. Keep doing a great job.

Your career mentor,


PS — If you’re interested in getting promoted, you should download a copy of my bestselling book Climbing the Corporate Ladder.  You can do that here.  When you do, you also start receiving my daily motivational quotes.


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