Many of my career mentoring clients tell me that they would like to make a big career change — get into a new field, or better yet, start their own business.
And most say, they don’t have a clue about how to do so.
This article presents five great tips on how to make a big career change…
I love the first tip — make sure you’re grounded in reality.
When I started my consulting and career mentoring business 26 years ago, I already had 15 years of experience doing this kind of work. I knew I was good at it. I had lined up several potential projects (some of which never came through) and I had a couple of friends who had made the transition from corporate life to being self employed consultants. These folks became my mentors. I called on them for advice and support when I needed it.
Even though I was grounded in reality, I didn’t realize how hard it is to be a solopreneur until I was actually doing it. That’s why it’s really important to come from a place of strength — the knowledge that you have a more than reasonable shot at succeeding in your career change.
So take a lesson from your career mentor, someone who’s been through it. Make sure any career change you’re considering is grounded in reality before you embark on that journey.
Your career mentor,
PS — You can download a copy of my bestselling career advice book Straight Talk for Success at When you do, you’ll also begin receiving my daily success quotes and get a free membership in my career mentoring site.
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