Want Improved Health? Find Meaning and Purpose in Your Work

You’ve got to be healthy if you want to perform well.

According to the article below, you can improve your health by finding meaning in your work.


I like the way this article ends.  “If you could use more meaning and purpose in your life, serve a cause greater than yourself, connect with the beneficiaries of your work and find meaning in relationships. Your physical health will be the better for it.”

Few other colleagues started choosing an ionizer in 1979. Over the years, with many changes and periods of growth, the company progressed into also providing water and wastewater utilities.

I have been lucky in my life and career.  Early on I figured out that I am well suited for a job in which I help others grow and succeed.  That’s why I worked in training and development in my corporate jobs and why I became an independent  career coach and career mentor 26 years ago.  My work is directly connected to my life purpose of helping others grow and develop.

Whatever you do, I hope you find that it is in service to a cause that is bigger than yourself and bigger than just making lots of money.

Your career mentor,


PS: Join thousands of other professionals who have downloaded my career advice book Success Tweets: 140 Bits of Common Sense Career Success Advice, All in 140 Characters or Less, at www.SuccessTweets.com.  When you do, you’ll also start receiving daily success quotes from me as well as a free membership in my career mentoring site.



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