How to Get Multiple Job Offers

Looking for a job can be frustrating.  Many of my career mentoring clients come to me when they are looking for a job.  After they find a job, they stay with me because of the help I can give them in climbing the corporate ladder.

I like this article because of its practical and common sense advice on job hunting.

While all five pieces of advice are important for a successful job search, the first one stands out.

Successful job searchers begin by identifying the exact type of job they want, and the exact companies for whom they want to work.  They don’t waste time on job boards, sending resumes to every job they think they “can” do.

They know exactly what they want to do, why they are qualified to do it, and the companies where they want to do it.

This is an empowering way to conduct a job search.

Learn a lesson here, begin your job search by defining exactly what you want to do, and the companies where you want to do it, and you’ll be ahead of 90% of the other job seekers out there.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my latest bestselling career mentoring book, Climbing the Corporate Ladder at  When you do, I’ll begin sending you my daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.


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