Many of my career mentoring clients complain that they have a difficult time getting things done — they run out of time.
This article shares some advice on time management gleaned from successful people.
These are great ideas, but they will work only if you work at them. If you want to get the most out of your time, you need to commit to a plan that works for you. That’s the true secret of managing your time — setting up a plan and than sticking to it.
Too many people spend too much time looking for the silver bullet that will erase all of their time management concerns. There is no silver bullet — you just have to commit to doing what works for you — and keep doing it every day.
Your career mentor,
PS: You can download a copy of my bestselling career advice book Straight Talk for Success at When you do, I’ll also begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.
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