It’s Time to Declare Your Professional Independence

My friends at Careerealism are running a professional independence project this month.  They asked me to contribute an article.  In my article I told the story of how I declared my professional independence over 26 years ago.  I chose to leave a well paid secure job with a respected company to begin my leadership consulting and career mentoring business.

You can see the article here.

As I say in the article, you don’t have to take as drastic a step as I did to declare your independence. But if you want to create the truly successful career you deserve, you have to take charge of your life and career. You need to figure out…

  • What you really want to do, and where you want to do it.
  • The companies for whom you want to work.  As in my case, this could mean working for yourself.
  • How to network effectively, to find people in the companies in which you’re interested or who can help you as you set off on your entrepreneurial journey.

When you declare your professional independence and take charge of your life and career, you are choosing to stop being a victim. You stop whining and complaining. You begin taking personal responsibility for yourself, your life and your career. And let me tell you, this feels great.

You can read more about creating your professional independence at

Your career mentor,


PS: If you want to declare your professional independence you might want to read my book Your Success GPS.  You can download a free copy at  When you do, I’ll begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free membership in my career mentoring site.


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