What Not to Do If You Want to Move Forward in Your Career

This article has some great career success advice from Jack Welch, retired CEO of General Electric.  While I never worshiped at the altar of Saint Jack (as many did in the 1990’s), I think this is some really great advice.


I like all of this advice, and suggest you avoid all of these traps, but I particularly like the advice on being a problem solver, not just a problem identifier.

One of my consulting clients runs a very large manufacturing organization, over 20,000 people with operations all over the world.  He has a little plaque on his desk that says, “DBMAPWOAS.”  When people ask what those letters mean, he says, “Don’t Bring Me A Problem Without A Solution.”  It’s OK to raise problems, but when you do, be prepared to suggest a course of action to fix them.

Coming up with solutions to problems you identify is one of the best ways to get the attention of senior leaders — and move ahead in your life and career.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my bestseller Straight Talk for Success at www.budbilanich.com/straight-talk/  When you do, I’ll begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.



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