How to Manage the Interview Jitters

You identified the companies where you want to work.  You used LinkedIn to network with people in those companies.  Your networking efforts paid off and a hiring manager actually saw your resume.  Now you have an interview.  You don’t want to blow it, but your nervous.

This article presents some great strategies for managing interview jitters…

I like this advice — even the potential wives tale about eating a banana.  But I have to add that being a little nervous prior to an interview can be a good thing.  I haven’t interviewed for a job for many years — one benefit of being self employed — but I have done hundreds of talks over the years.  I find that if I’m not a little nervous before I get going on a talk, I’m not at my best.  I’m a little flat.  It was the same way when I was playing rugby.  I needed to be a little jittery before a match if I was going to play my best.

The point here is simple.  A little case of the nerves is a good thing.  Overwhelming nervousness is not.  That’s why you need to pay attention to the advice in the article.

For my money, the final suggestion, practice, is the most important.  Spend time thinking about the questions you are likely to get.  Then practice your answers — out loud.  This will give you a feeling of confidence as you go into the interview.  When you are prepared you’re more confident.  The best way to prepare is to anticipate questions, and practice your answers.  I encourage my career mentoring clients to practice out loud because it helps them get a better feel for how their answers actually sound — not just sound in their head.  Practicing your answers will not only help calm your nerves, it will give you a leg up on the competition — the people who were too lazy to practice.

Your career mentor,


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