Starting a Blog? Here’s What You Need to Know About Choosing a Blogging Platform

As I’ve mentioned several times before, blogging can be an amazing tool for your career. While I’ve used it to grow my career mentoring service, you can use it to establish yourself as an expert or thought leader in your industry, connect with other authorities in your niche, or even use it to market and sell your products/services online. The benefits of blogging are numerous, yet many people are still intimidated by the perceived “technical” nature of blogging.

Fortunately, the internet has come a long way from HTML, CSS and coding. Nowadays, there are free blogging platforms to help beginners start a blog in 15 minutes. The two most notable blogging platforms are WordPress and Blogger; however, WordPress is really the best software for long-term flexibility and growth. is a self-hosted WordPress blog, and had I started my blog with any other platform, I would have never been able to offer my mentoring service or create a professional, custom-designed website without migrating to another service. This is because Blogger and the other platforms limit design, creativity, and monetization.

To demonstrate the stark difference between WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Wix, Weebly, and SquareSpace, Gary Dek of has created this great comparison chart of the best free blogging sites.

Best Blogging Platforms - StartABlog123

If you’re convinced of the value of blogging and need a no-nonsense guide, check out the step-by-step tutorial to starting your own blog or website with all the website startup tips you’ll ever need. Given the power of blogging and its ability to complement your career, you’ll be glad you did.

Your career mentor,


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