Executive Skills That Blow the Socks Off Recruitment Consultants

Everybody dreams of being the chief executive of their own company. The vision of a private jet, expense account lunches and sealing deals on the golf course keeps many a bored middle manager going on a Friday afternoon. But what does someone like executive Bob Bratt really do, and what skills and qualities does he need to get to that coveted corner office? The Harvard Business Review lists executive skills that will make a search consultant’s eyes light up.


A successful chief executive is an ethical, visionary leader, able to inspire the work force, not just bark orders. A good leader will select the best people for his team and then let them get on with the job. He will be there when he is needed to provide guidance but he will not be breathing down people’s necks and micro-managing.


Search consultants are also looking for individuals who can set the strategic direction for an organization. While an ability to grasp operational details is important, the strategic thinker can also take a step back and view the forest, as well as the trees.

A Global Orientation

Some executive recruitment consultants are going so far as to say this evolving as the dominant characteristic that companies want. Experience playing at the international level is becoming essential in today’s global marketplace.


Ethical behavior and integrity are more important than ever with today’s rapid communications and increased likelihood of getting caught with your hands in the cookie jar! Recruiters are looking for individuals who are completely beyond reproach.

The Ability to Manage Change in an Organization

This skill is increasingly in demand. This is more a case of being able to manage and flow with constant flux, rather than masterminding the occasional complete overhaul. This CEO will not be constantly making changes for the sake of change, but will be always leading his team toward higher and higher standards of excellence.

Building Teams and Relationships

Nothing hampers productivity more than gossip, hidden agendas and dissention among the ranks. He won’t recruit spies to feed back intelligence, but he will foster an atmosphere that encourages teamwork, making sure that everyone understands the importance of their role in the bigger picture.

Technical Skills

A good leader has a thorough grasp of his field of influence. While a hospital chief of staff does not need to be able to perform every type of operation from toenail removal to brain surgery, he should possess the skills and knowledge to be able to reconcile the end-users’ constant demand for perfection within the resources at his disposal.

Presentation Skills

An executive does not need to be a world-class stand-up comic in front of a group, but he does need to be coherent, articulate and able to hold the attention of the toughest audience. This could mean anything from company shareholders, to disgruntled employees or demanding customers.

The Whole Package

The person specification for today’s successful chief executive candidate has broadened over the past decade and it is a tough bill to fill. Anybody who thinks otherwise can compare their curriculum vitae to the eight qualities listed in this article and see how well they measure up.

Your career mentor,



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