You don’t need to have an MBA to succeed in the business world. Even people with a masters degree in music education can do well in the business world if they know how to make great presentations. But the feeling of standing in front of an audience, be it two or two hundred can be overwhelming. Here are three strategies to help you shrug off the public speaking jitters and be the best you can be on stage.
Preparation helps calm the nerves and improves the quality of your public speaking. Oftentimes, speakers fail to deliver high-quality content because they do not give sufficient thought or practice to what they really wish to convey. Practicing in front of the mirror and within circles of family and friends will help you spot inconsistencies in your planned speech and make adjustments accordingly. Aside from content, you’ll also be able to see your body language and tone of voice.
Less Is More
Contrary to what most people believe, successful public speaking is not about being able to stay on stage for a long time and talking nonstop. It’s about delivering powerful content in a clear yet concise manner. Studies show that the average listening attention span is about 20 minutes. As the public speaker, it’s your job to plan ahead and learn how to use those 20 minutes in the most effective way possible.
Speak More Frequently
Skills are sharpened and mastered through repetition. If you speak in public enough times, you’ll be able to muster the confidence and develop the speech skills that successful speakers around the world possess. You can volunteer in school, read passages in your local church, or work part-time as a product demonstrator. Whichever way you choose to develop public speaking skills, what matters is that you do it frequently. Don’t cram it into one week; distribute your scheduled events periodically over the span of the year. This gives you more time to prepare a good talk.
These three strategies won’t advance your public speaking skills overnight or with minimal effort. It takes an unbreakable passion to speak in public as well as perseverance in becoming a better speaker.
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