A Great Resource for Interview Preparation

One of the great things about writing this blog is that I get to review a lot of life and career success books.  I read all of the books that are sent to me, but review only those that I think are well written and contain great common sense career advice.

When Can You Start? By Paul Freiberger is one of those books.  The subtitle is How to ACE the interview and WIN the Job.  Paul delivers on both of those promises.

This book is a comprehensive guide to mastering job interviews.  Among other things, it shows you how to master an informational interview (an often overlooked job search tool), how to handle a phone interview and a panel interview, how to deal with trick questions, and what to say when you’re asked, “what questions do you have for me?”

I really like Chapter 6 “(Don’t) Tell Me About Your Weaknesses.”  This chapter makes the point that you will be asked three questions – or variations on them – in any interview: 1) Tell me about yourself; 2) Tell me about your strengths; 3) Tell me about your weaknesses.

Paul says that the third question is a trap that can undermine your chances of getting the job.  He then goes on to show you how to answer that question in a manner that will reflect positively, not negatively on you as a candidate.

The book is full of common sense advice like this.  If you’re in the job market you should read and study When Can You Start before you schedule any interviews.

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