A Positive Routine Can Help You Work Your Best

Do you have a daily routine?  Or do you let the demands of the day rule your life?

The author of this article suggests that building a positive daily routine will help you create the life and career success you want and deserve.


When I traveled a lot for business, I had no routine.  Often I was out late at business dinners which slowed me down the next morning, so I would be rushing to my appointments.  I admit it.  I let the demands of the day run my life.

As a result, I got into some bad habits.  Now that I am working from home most days, I am working hard at developing a positive routine for myself.  But because I am trying to break a bad habit, it isn’t easy.

Habits — both bad and good — are difficult to break.  Once you get in the habit of a positive routine, it’s easier to stay there.  But you have to take the first step and create a positive routine for yourself.

My bicyclist friends tell have a saying about getting into a positive biking routine — “The first crank is the hardest.”  In other words you sometimes have to force yourself to get on your bike and ride.  You have to overcome your inertia and will yourself to get on your bike and crank that pedal for the first time.

A positive routine will help you create your success.  You don’t have to have the happy hour described at the beginning of the article.  You just have to find something that works for you and stick with it.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my popular book Your Success GPS at www.BudBilanich.com/your-success-gps.  When you do I’ll begin sending you daily motivational quotes and give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site.

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