Get Comfortable With Ambiguity

I read page 2 of the Business Section of the New York Times every Sunday.  I like the “Corner Office” feature there.  I read it for myself, and I read it because I’m your career mentor.  I almost always find something interesting there to post here.

The Sunday August 10 issue had an interview with Sarah Barnett, President of Sundance TV.

In this article she makes several great points about life and career success.

I like what she has to say about not being too hard on yourself.

I especially like what she has to say about the importance of being comfortable with ambiguity.

Getting comfortable with ambiguity has helped me in my life and career.  I’m at the point where the messier and confusing a situation is, the more I like it.  It gives me a chance to do what I do best, bringing order out of chaos; simplifying the complex.

Comfort with ambiguity is very important for senior executives.  The higher you go, the less cut and dry things are.  Ambiguity reins.  Successful people are not just comfortable with it, they thrive on ambiguity.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my bestseller Climbing the Corporate Ladder here.  When you do, you’ll begin receiving my daily success quotes and get a free basic membership in my career success site.


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