Build Your Network Before You Need It

I advise my career mentoring site members to build their networks before they need them.  Dan Rockwell writes the Leadership Freak blog.  He says “Your current relationships reflect your future.”  He’s right.  Check out this article that he’s written on how to build a strong network of extraordinary connections…

I like what Dan has to say about networking with people with whom you are uncomfortable.  Do this right and you will likely to expand your way of thinking — which is a good thing.  I tell my members that whenever someone starts speaking and they think, “That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard,” that they should listen really hard — because they’ll probably learn something.  It’s always good to push your boundaries and to listen to different points of view.

I like this piece of advice even more.  “Elevate current acquaintances to situation-specific advisors. Where are they exceptional?”  In other words, take a look at the people you know.  Most of them are probably good or great at one or two things.  Once you figure out who is great at what go to him or her when you have questions or needs in their specific area of expertise.

I have folks in my network who are my go to people for things like social media, financial advice, tech support, industry specific questions etc.  To use Dan’s word, I have elevated these people to be situation specific advisors.  I go to them when I have a question.

Here’s an example.  I’ve known Warren Mersereau for over 35 years.  We met when we were students at Harvard.  Warren went on to have a very successful career in sports marketing.  He retired as the head of global soccer marketing for Adidas.  Whenever I, or someone I know, has a question about sports marketing, Warren is the first person I call.  If he can’t answer the question, he refers me to someone who can.

On the other hand, Warren has elevated me to his advisor for all things career related.  Recently, he introduced me to a young woman who had just finished graduate school and is moving to Colorado and looking for a job.  She and I had a phone conversation in which I gave her some job leads.

See how this work?  It’s a simple, but brilliant. idea.  Put it to work in your life and career.  And remember, build your network now, so it will be there when you need it later.

Your career mentor,


PS: I write this blog to help people create the life and career success they want and deserve. Now I’m going one step further. I’ve created a membership site in which I’ve pulled together my best thoughts on success. And, as a reader of this blog, you can become a member for free. Just go to to claim your free membership. You’ll be joining a vibrant and growing community of success minded professionals. I hope to see you there.


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