Career Advice from the CEO of SanDisk

Sanjay Mehrotra and two other immigrants, Eli Harari and Jack Yuan founded SanDisk in 1988.  SanDisk is an innovative company.  They were the first to produce USB flash drives — which made floppy disks obsolete.  Their microSD card is the world’s highest volume card.

Here are his best three pieces of life and career success advice…

  • Never give up.  You will be amazed at how much you can achieve.
  • Just because you can imagine a better mousetrap doesn’t mean that you can build one.
  • Data can’t give you all the answers – sometimes you have to listen to you heart.

I have a made a habit of following my heart.  I have taken new jobs because they just seemed “right” to me.  I left my corporate job  in 1988 to start my career coaching business because my heart told me the time was “right.”  I know this sound very unscientific, but I’ve learned to trust my intuition and follow my heart.  I suggest you do too.

Your career mentor,


PS: You can download a free copy of my popular book Your Success GPS at  When you do, I’ll give you a free basic membership in my career mentoring site and begin sending you daily motivational quotes.

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