Career Mobility — How to Get to the Top

Some people think that if they aren’t going forward in their career, they’re probably going backward. As I’ve pointed out in other posts, this isn’t true.  Lateral moves are often the way to the top.  Lateral moves can increase your value.  And increasing your value as an employee will help you move up. Here are some ideas to help you increase your value and develop better career opportunities… 

Look for Special Projects

Now is the time to get over your fear of public speaking and make a presentation. Address a problem, and propose a solution. Be sure that your proposal is in keeping with your company’s goals. You can ensure this by pitching your idea to your manager first to make sure he or she is on board. The point is that you are doing something without being asked which shows initiative.

Continue Your Education

Whether you opt for taking college courses after hours or simply volunteer for in-house training, continuing your education is one of the best ways to increase the number of positions you qualify for. When applying to be promoted from within, it will be very helpful to have the proper certifications to do just about anything your company needs. Any new credentials will also impress other prospective employers. For example, an online master’s in organizational development can prove to employers that you are prepared for more responsibility and leadership.

Gain Experience in Other Positions or Departments

The best managers often have experience in every facet of a company. There are always times when a company is short-handed. Demonstrate your leadership potential by filling in for someone else without shirking your own duties. Getting promoted involves hard work. You will need to set yourself apart from other employees. Another way to gain experience in other areas is to consider a lateral transfer. Make it clear to the powers that be that you are doing this to gain experience.

Arrive Early and Stay Late

To quickly move up the ladder, you will need to be perceived as a “company man/woman.” Arriving just a few minutes before others will be noticed by your superiors. You may just be given a key to the building by default since they know you’ll be the first one there. This can lead to a natural progression in your scope of responsibility.

Always be looking for ways to add value to your company, even if it means going outside of your comfort zone. If your current employer doesn’t appreciate your hard work and diverse skill set another one will.

Your career mentor,


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