Career Success Advice on How to Make a Good First Impression in a New Job

Requests to do a guest post for this career success blog are very gratifying to me.  They mean that somebody is paying attention to what I have to say and thinks that others are too.  The other day I received an offer from the folks at to do a guest post. I suggested that they write about how to make a good first impression when starting a new job.  Here’s what they have to say…

How to Make a Good First Impression in a New Job

When you are starting a new job, you have a new chance to make a first impression. The way in which you begin your job will have a major impact not only in how management views you, but also in how well you are able to get along with your co-workers and make an impression in your department.

You want to portray yourself as a consummate professional, someone capable of doing the job who is skilled enough to excel. You also want to portray yourself as a team player, someone who will get along with and work well with co-workers and as someone who is just an all-around good worker to have on staff. Doing all of this can be a challenge, but there are a few key tips to keep in mind that can help you to make a killer first impression.

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

One of the best things you can do to make a good first impression is to be prepared. When you went for the interview, you should have paid attention to what people were wearing. Dress in a similar style or maybe just a touch better. You don`t want to come to a casual office in a formal business suit, but you also don`t want to show up in jeans either. You should fit in with your co-workers and peers, but regardless of what they wear, you should also make sure that you look clean, tidy, put together and on top of things.

You may also wish to try to learn as much as you can about the job you will be doing, the company you will be working for and the people you will be working with. Almost all companies today have websites and, in many cases, there are employee reviews or even blogs about working at the company. Perusing these sources can help make sure you are informed and can go in ready to hit the ground running.

Pay Attention to Corporate Culture

When you start work, it is up to you to fit into the corporate culture and find your place within the organizational structure. While it is okay to try to set yourself apart, which is, in fact, a good thing to do, it is not a good idea to be at odds with the way the corporation works or to make an enemy of your coworkers.

At least at the beginning, you should try to find things in common with your coworkers to form relationships with both your peers and with those working above you. This means paying attention to the way they work and interact so you can model your behavior on their actions.

Come on Time

When you come to your first day of work, it is essential to be on time. You also want to avoid long lunches or leaving early. You want to show that you are grateful for getting the job, dedicated and responsible.

Do Your Work Well, But Start Slow

You always want to do amazing work that wows your bosses, but you also need to start slow and take the time to learn what is expected of you and what your role will be. Observe, watch how others work and how your boss behaves towards you and take the time to learn how your boss wants things done.

No one likes a new person who comes in suggesting a bunch of changes or who seems to think their way of doing something is better than the established routine. If your way is better, there will be plenty of time to convince your boss and coworkers after they get to know you.

Whether you are fresh out of college or have been working for years, these tips will help you succeed, become a great employee that every boss will love and move you towward the life and career success you want and deserve.

That’s some great career advice on making a good first impression when you start a new job from my friends at  I think they are right on.  Much of this advice is echoed in my career success books like Success Tweets.  What do you think?  Please take a minute to share your thoughts with us in a comment.  As always, thanks for reading these daily thoughts on life and career success.  I value you and I appreciate you.


PS: If you haven’t already done so, please download a free copy of my popular career advice book Success Tweets and its companion piece Success Tweets Explained.  The first gives you 140 bits of career success advice tweet style — in 140 characters or less.  The second is a whopping 390 + pages of career advice explaining each of the common sense tweets in Success Tweets in detail.  Go to to claim your free copy.  You’ll also start receiving my daily life and career success quotes.

PPS: To enhance my work as a career success coach, I opened a membership site last September.  It’s called My Corporate Climb and is devoted to helping people create career success inside large corporations.  You can find out about the membership site by going to http://www.mycorporateclimb/



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