Career Success: Tweet #95

Career Success Tweet #95If you want to create the life and career success you want and deserve you have to trust yourself.  Trusting yourself is one of the key components of self-confidence.  Self-confident people cultivate a high performance mindset, one in which they believe they will succeed at whatever they attempt.

If you read this blog, you know that I am a big fan of The Optimist Creed.  Point 4 says,

“Promise yourself to look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.”

Point 7 says,

“Promise yourself to forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.”

You have to trust yourself to put these two bits of common sense career advice into play.  Optimists trust themselves.  They trust themselves to do whatever is necessary to meet the goals they set for themselves.  They trust themselves to develop the skills they need to meet their goals.  They trust themselves to create the life and career success they want and deserve.

There is lots of great career advice in The Optimist Creed.

Here’s a personal example about trusting yourself.  I’ve trained thousands of people in leadership skills, I’ve led hundreds of team-building workshops, I’ve coached hundreds of people, helping them create the life and career success they want and deserve.  Recently, I decided that I wanted to reach a broader audience – not just the people who work for the Fortune 500 companies who have engaged my consulting and coaching services.

To do this, I needed to make my ideas more widely available via the Internet.  Several years ago, I realized that I didn’t have a clue about how to prepare, present and market my ideas on the Internet.  I trusted my knowledge and wisdom, but I didn’t know how to get it to a broader audience.  This might have stopped some folks dead in their tracks.  But I trust my ability to learn new skills.

First I learned how to blog, and then I committed to blogging five days a week.  I’ve kept that commitment for the past five years.  I blog every Monday through Friday, with the exception of two weeks at the end of the year.  That’s 250 posts every year.  Then I learned about social media.  I spend about an hour a day on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, sharing my thoughts on life and career success.  Finally, I’m continuing to learn about Internet marketing – affiliate programs, membership sites, etc.  When I started, I had no Internet marketing skills.  Today, I am a bit of an expert.  I say this realizing that I need to keep learning and growing in this field.

I trusted myself.  I knew I had something of value to give, and I knew I could learn the skills necessary to reach large numbers of people.  By the end of this year, I will have launched several information products on the Internet – all because I trusted my ability to learn and my motivation to do new things.

How about you?  Do you trust yourself?  Do you believe that what you have to offer is important and of high quality?  Do you believe that you can learn what you need to know to succeed?  I bet you do, or you wouldn’t be reading this blog post.

The common sense career success coach point here is simple.  Successful people believe in themselves.  They follow the career advice in Tweet 95 in Success Tweets.  “Develop a high performance mindset.  Don’t question yourself.  Trust your skills and abilities.”  Trusting your skills and abilities means knowing when you need to learn something new, and then doing whatever it takes to gain that knowledge.  Be a self-confident optimist.  Trust yourself.  Know in your heart of hearts that you will succeed.

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