Choices, Choices, Choices

Joseph Bernard is a good friend and great thinker. In one of his recent blog posts he listed what he calls “66 Moments of Choice Sure to Set Your Life on Fire.” Josephs says that these are choices you can explore on a daily basis. He advises you to “Choose wisely; be guided by your intuition, your heart and your higher nature.”

 1. You can throw caution to the wind or you can live tentatively

2. You can love with all your heart or protect and play it safe

3. You can dance and feel fully alive or move carefully and feel safe

4. You can live in appreciation or spend too much time complaining

5. You can push yourself or settle into the familiar

6. You can swim with the flow or fight upstream

7. You can be open to many points of view or insist you’re right

8. You can be critical or accepting

9. You can have fun exploring ideas or hold firmly to your opinions

10. You can see life as a grand experiment or chaos you need to control

11. You can laugh often or take yourself too seriously

12. You can enjoy creative expression or do what is safe

13. You can be spontaneous or do what you always do

14. You can go in search of your own truth or adopt the belief systems of others

15. You can keep things simple or keep too busy

16. You can question your thoughts or be run by false thoughts and beliefs

17. You can keep your body fit and healthy or ignore it and hope everything works out okay

18. You can free yourself of worry or worry non-stop

19. You can choose to be happy or choose not to be

20. You can sit quietly and know yourself or let your noisy mind run you and be unaware of who you are

21. You can have fun and enjoy life or focus on what is wrong

22. You can be with your spirit in nature or join a church

23. You can sit quietly or get up and raise a ruckus (this one works both ways)

24. You can stand for what you believe in or make little difference

25. You can love the one you are with or wish for someone else

26. You can listen with compassion or wait impatiently for your turn to talk

27. You can smile and spread light or frown and dim your brightness

28. You can walk in peace or be in a hurry

29. You can laugh often or hardly ever

30. You can celebrate all aspect of life or not be excited about anything

31. You can fume with anger or change your thoughts

32. You can fall asleep in a peaceful state or your thoughts can make you toss and turn

33. You can be encouraging of self and others or discouraging

34. You can live being grateful or never be satisfied

35. You can enjoy your own company or fear being alone

36. You can appreciate beauty or not notice and miss out

37. You can offer support or put people down

38. You can be okay with what is or be upset with what isn’t

39. You can judge everything as good or bad or explore and enjoy what is

40. You can be inclusive or exclusive

41. You can value differences or reject them

42. You can seek freedom or be imprisoned by your thoughts

43. You can heal the past through forgiveness or carry it with you

44. You can open to the light or live in the darkness

45. You can be live with great passion or contain your expression

46. You can be guided by your higher mind or by your ordinary mind

47. You can grow and learn or be dissatisfied with yourself

48. You can be open and expand or close and contract

49. You can walk in the stream of life or stand on the shore

50. You can live in the gift of the now or in thoughts of the past and the future

51. You can let inspiration flow through you or cut it off

52. You can find your meaning and purpose or be confused

53. You can push past resistance or be stuck and immobilized

54. You can live in love or be dominated by fear

55. You can believe in you as amazing or argue for your limitations

56. You can recognize you as a spiritual being or be stuck in your human drama

57. You can take responsibility for your life or play the blame game

58. You can love and accept yourself fully or be ill at ease.

59. You can direct your own mind or let your thoughts run you amuck

60. You can acknowledge and respect your feelings or ignore and deny them

61. You can cultivate the garden of your mind or let it be a weed patch of confusion

62. You can be at peace in the moment or be impatient

63. You can enter the ocean of consciousness or avoid getting your feet wet

64. You can be positive and energized or negative and worn out

65. You can take care of your well-being or not care about yourself

66. You can explore your potential and genius or be bored with who you are

I like what Joseph has to say here. He is right on. We can all choose to be happy and successful. If you choose well you’ll be on the path to the life and career success you want and deserve.

Choose wisely. Thanks for reading my daily tips on life and career success. I value you and I appreciate you.



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