College to Career: What You Wish You’d Known

As my blog grows in popularity, I have been getting more and more requests for guest posts.  For a time I resisted doing guest posts, then I began to post a few of the articles that came my way.  But the quality of guest post writing has improved, so I have decided to create a new category called “Guest Posts” — pretty creative, huh :)?

Today’s post is written by Rachelle Wilber...

Although some people do not like to live a life with regret, they still have opportunities they wish they would have seized when they were younger. Moving from the college world to the career one is a big change, partially because many of the opportunities from the former environment start to fade.

Explore Internship Opportunities

Some students shy away from internship opportunities because they do not want to do unpaid work; however, they do not realize how these experiences can pay off in the long run. Students who take on internships can gain a better sense of what it is like to actually work in the field. Furthermore, they can make strong connections that help them to procure job opportunities after they graduate from college. Graduates who took on internship may have a large advantage when it comes to finding employment.

Study Abroad

Once you enter into the career world, you aren’t necessarily going to have the time to just live for three months in another country. In fact, during the early parts of your career, you may not have the chance to take any vacation days at all. Now is the time to visit other parts of the world and to mingle with other individuals. In fact, these opportunities might lead you to jobs after you have graduated from school.

Dabble in Additional Programs

A traditional education is likely always going to have its merits, but you may also want to explore what the online classroom has to offer. For example, you can always find more information here about applied psychology degrees, or you can take supplementary programs online. These classes can help prepare you for the digital world that exists. Also, you may be required to employ such online skills in your job.

Make Friends

While you are busy preparing for your career, you might put social opportunities to the side. You do need to find a balance between work and play, but you also don’t want to ignore the potentials for making friends. Once you enter into the work force, you will likely see that forming strong social bonds becomes more difficult, especially as competition and busy schedules get into the way. The friendships that you form during college may be the ones that you hold on to for life.

Looking back to the college days brings about nostalgia for many people, but taking certain steps now can help to make that nostalgia more sweet than sad for you.

That’s what Rochelle has to say about moving form college to career.  Hope you like her advice.  And I hope you like this new feature.  Please let me know.

Members of my career mentoring site are welcome to submit guest posts.  I will publish as many as I can.

Your career mentor,


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