Leadership Development


Vision and Values

1. This individual has the ability to visualize a compelling vision of the future.

2. This individual has the ability to effectively communicate his or her vision of the future.
3. This individual effectively enlists the support of others in making his or her vision a reality.
4. The individual has the ability to clearly articulate a set of operating principles that guide the behavior of organizational members.
5. This individual lives by the operating principles he or she has articulated.
Performance Management
6. This individual effectively sets performance expectations.
7. This individual is effective at reinforcing good performance.
8. This individual is effective at redirecting poor performance.
9. This individual is effective at conducting effective annual performance reviews.
Coaching and Mentoring
10. This individual is an effective teacher.
11. This individual effectively uses questions to facilitate subordinate problem solving.
12. This individual effectively uses questions to create insight among subordinates.
13. This individual effectively uses questions to develop subordinate wisdom.
14. This individual effectively uses stories to facilitate subordinate learning.
Role Modeling
15. This individual is a role model for the things he or she espouses.