Creating Positive Personal Impact

Yesterday was Labor Day in the USA – the traditional end of summer for us, even though the calendar says we have 22 more days to go.  I did not do a blog post.  I celebrated by taking off for the entire three day weekend, I rode my bike, saw a few movies, and watched a lot of US Open tennis.

I’m rested and ready to go.  Surprising as it may seem, there are less than 100 working days left in 2008 – and I plan on making the most of them.

I’m beginning today by focusing on creating positive personal impact – one of the keys to success that I discuss in Straight Talk for Success.  If you want to create positive personal impact, you need to do three things: 1) develop and nurture your personal brand; 2) dress for success; and 3) follow the basic rules of etiquette.

Here’s what I am going to do.

Personal Brand – I will continue to write this blog to reinforce my Common Sense Guy brand.  I have begun writing a column in a new pharmaceutical industry publication, PM 360, called “Common Sense.”  I will write one column a month.  I will post more articles on and

Dress for Success – I will continue to dress one level up, making sure that my appearance shows respect for myself and the people I will meet every day.  I am going to carry a Shine to Go packet with me in my briefcase, so I can make sure that I can keep my shoes looking good all the time.  I am going to continue my diet and exercise regimen so I can not only look good, but remain healthy.

Etiquette – I will continue to treat every person I encounter with dignity and respect.  I will do whatever I can to make people feel comfortable when they are in my presence.  I will stop wearing my napkin tucked into my collar like a bib – just a joke, I wanted to see if you were paying attention.

That’s what I am going to do to create positive personal impact these last four months of 2008.  What are you going to do?  Please leave a comment sharing your thoughts.

The common sense point here is simple.  Successful people create positive personal impact.  They do this by creating, building and nurturing their personal brand; dressing for success; and following the basic rules of etiquette.  It’s not hard to create positive personal impact – you just have to pay attention.  Think about the image you are creating by your every day actions – do they communicate the brand you want to communicate.  Look in the mirror before you leave your house.  Do you look like you respect yourself?  Think about how you interact with others.  Do you help them feel comfortable, especially in difficult situations?  If you can answer “yes” to threes three questions, you’re on your way to creating positive personal impact.

That’s my take on how to create positive personal impact.  What’s yours?  Please leave a comment sharing your thoughts.  Thanks for reading – and writing.



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