DREAM Your Way to Career Success

Mastering the World of Selling is one of my favorite career success books.  Every sales person should have a copy.  As we are all in sales – in one way or another — this means that you need to get it and read it. 

Over the weekend I was rereading Mastering the World of Selling.  One chapter is entitled “Your Best Sales Year Ever.”  The authors, Eric Taylor and David Riklan offer the following challenge – Evaluate Your Personal Energy. 

They say, “When we talk about boundless personal energy, we use the acronym D.R.E.A.M.S.  to remind us of what’s critical to our success.” 

Let’s look at the D.R.E.A.M.S. acronym in a little more detail…

   Diet: World class athletes use food like it’s fuel.  What are you running on?

R    Rest: Get your required amount of sleep.  Some say, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”  Good night!

   Exercise: You know this: “Winners do what losers choose not to do.”  Remember?

   Attitude: You can’t have a positive mental attitude if you’re hung over.

M    Mental Focus: You will attract and become what you think about most of the time.

   Success: We all define it differently.  What’s your definition? Write it down.

Great career advice for everybody.

I know Eric and David.  They’re good guys.  Maybe I like them because we think so much alike.  Their D.R.E.A.M.S. model lines up very well with the career advice I dispense in my latest career success coach book, Success Tweets: 140 Bits of Career Success Advice, All in 140 Characters or Less.  Take a look…

D    Diet: World class athletes use food like it’s fuel.  What are you running on? 

Success Tweet 91: The better your feel, the better you’ll perform.  Live a healthy lifestyle.  Eat well. Exercise regularly.  Get regular checkups.

R    Rest: Get your required amount of sleep.  Some say, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”  Good night!

E    Exercise: You know this: “Winners do what losers choose not to do.”  Remember?

Success Tweet 93: Becoming a high performer is easier if you’re physically fit.  Increasing your heart rate is a great way to improve your fitness level.

Success Tweet 97: Today, do the things others won’t do; so tomorrow you can do the things they can’t do.

A    Attitude: You can’t have a positive mental attitude if you’re hung over.

Success Tweet 21: You’re in charge! Commit to taking personal responsibility for creating the life and career success you want and deserve.

Success Tweet 32: Stuff happens as you go about creating your life and career success.  Choose to respond positively to the negative stuff that happens.

Success Tweet 34: Treat failures as the tuition you pay for career success.  Respond positively to setbacks.  Learn something.

M    Mental Focus: You will attract and become what you think about most of the time.

Success Tweet 37: It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it.  Don’t dwell on the negative, use it as a springboard to action and creativity.

Success Tweet 81: Become a lifelong learner.  The half life of knowledge is rapidly diminishing.  Staying in the same place is the same as going backward.

Success Tweet 84: Stay up to date in your industry.  Read industry publications.  Know the hot topics for your company, competitors and customers.

S    Success: We all define it differently.  What’s your definition? Write it down.

Success Tweet 1: Define exactly what life and career success mean to you.  It’s easier to hit a clear unambiguous target.

Success Tweet 2: The more clear you are about what success means to you personally, the easier it will be to create the life and career success you want.

Success Tweet 4: The mightier your purpose, the more likely you are to succeed. 

See what I mean?  Eric and David’s career advice for sales professionals and my more general career success advice are very similar.  And, why not?  Creating the career success you want and deserve is a matter of applying some well tested and vetted common sense career advice.

By the way, I didn’t include a tweet on rest in Success Tweets – but I should have.  So I’ll add it here. 

Success Tweet 142: You can’t perform well if you don’t get the rest you need.  Career success will come easier when you take time to recharge your batteries.

The common sense career success coach point here is simple.  The best career success advice has passed the test of time.  You can find it in my career success coach book Success Tweets, and in Eric Taylor and David Riklan’s book Mastering the World of Selling.  Create your career success dreams.  Eat well.  Get enough rest.  Exercise regularly.   Choose to have a positive attitude.  Stay mentally focused.  Know where you’re going in your life and career.

That’s my take on the career advice Eric Taylor and David Riklan dispense in Mastering the World of Selling.  What’s yours?  Please take a minute to leave a comment sharing your thoughts with us.  As always, thanks for reading.



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