First Impressions Count

First impressions matter, especially for your upcoming job or college interview. The fate of your acceptance or career hangs in the balance upon that first handshake. You certainly want to put your best foot forward and impress, surpassing your college or job goals.

There are simply no second chances in regards to a first impression. “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression,” psychology professor at New York University, Dr. James Uleman said in an American Psychology Association article. In fact, you only have two minutes to make a good, since it takes recruiters that long to decide if they will hire you.

A 2009 Social Psychology Bulletin study found that every little detail counts in your college or job interview first impression. From clothing to posture, the infographic explains first impression essentials you can’t afford to overlook.

The Statistics Behind Your College or Job Interview First Impression

Your first impression is simply a statistical engagement. If you employ these statistics, you will increase your chances of success. Everything from body language to your facial expressions matters, according to Forbes.

What you actually say in your college or job interview is the least important. According to research on first impressions, what you say only accounts for seven percent. Your facial expressions account for 55 percent, and positive body language gives you a 38 percent edge.

Recruiters Size You Up in a Split Second

From the moment that interview door opens, your college acceptance or job is on the line. In fact, you only have a few seconds to make an exceptional first impression. Recruiters are making split second judgements, according to UndercoverRecruiter. Within seconds they have decided if you are trustworthy, educated, and sophisticated, among other quick judgments. Even your economic status is judged.

Planning for Your First Impression is Invaluable

Walking into any situation is certainly a poor decision. You need to be ready for anything, whether it is fielding odd interview questions, or looking and acting your very best. Your first impression planning is invaluable.

Being unprepared for your college or job interview is a negative start, suggests Dr. James Tyler, a psychology professor at Purdue University. Think about what questions recruiters may ask, and have a few for them ready as well. You acceptance or job offer is 51 percent more likely if you ask questions in your interview.

Knowing First Impression Negatives is as Important as the Positives

In order to make a stellar first impression, you should know what to do, and what not to do too. Etch these first impression negatives in your mind to keep your college or job interview going in your favor. For example, a soft handshake is considered to be the work of someone who is passive, according to a handshake study published in Social Influence.

Not making eye contact is another negative that will hinder your college or career goals. Research found that 67 percent of managers passed on candidates for a lack of eye contact. And 70 percent of recruiters turned down candidates for their trendy appearance, so you may want to get a dermaroller and start taking care of yourself.

Whether getting into the college you want, or landing your dream job as a worm picker at the local fisherman’s wharf, first impressions are a crucial part of the interview process. Ensure you’re dressed for success, have a healthy handshake ready, and eyes up, among other essential college or job interview strategies for success.

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