Five Steps to Outstanding Performance

Today is Wednesday, so this post is on outstanding performance.

I have a quote hanging just inside the door to my office.  I pass it several times a day.  I always read it as I pass.  It says…

“Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act on… must inevitably come to pass!”  Paul J. Meyer

This is advice that way predates “The Secret.”  I think of it as the law of attraction on steroids.  “Vividly imagine, ardently desire and sincerely believe” are in alignment with the law of attraction as preached in “The Secret.”  “Enthusiastically act on” is the steroids part.  I believe that while it’s great to envision your desired future and believe it will happen, it is way more important to do the work necessary to create your desired future. 

That’s why I’ve been a fan of Paul Meyer for many years.  Here’s another quote from Mr. Meyer.

“Winners do not expect to get something for nothing.  Winners are willing to give the time, effort, creativity and money necessary to achieve their purposes.  They know that any success worth having carries a high price tag and they gladly accept the opportunity to invest in their own success.  Winners exercise initiative; they do what is needed because they are personally responsible.  Winners never make excuses; they acknowledge their mistakes or failures and learn from them.  Winners carry out their responsibility to be and do their best.”

I read this quote in the June/July 2008 issue of SUCCESS Magazine.  I’ve mentioned the newly relaunched SUCCESS in previous posts.  If you’re interested in becoming a career and life success I urge you to subscribe.  This is a great magazine.  I have read this issue cover to cover three times in the past two weeks.

As you know, setting and achieving high goals is one the keys to becoming an outstanding performer.  I began this post with quotes from Paul Meyer because of his strong belief in the power of goal setting.  The SUCCESS article lists his “Million Dollar Personal Success Plan.”

Take a look…

The Million Dollar Success Plan by Paul J Meyer

  1. Crystallize your thinking – Determine what specific goal you want to achieve.  Then dedicate yourself to its attainment with unswerving singleness of purpose, the trenchant zeal of a crusader.
  2. Develop a plan for achieving your goal, and a deadline for its attainment – Plan your progress carefully; hour by hour, day by day, month by month.  Organized activity and enthusiasm are the wellsprings of your power.
  3. Develop a sincere desire for the things you want in life – A burning desire is the greatest motivator of every human action.  The desire for success implants “success consciousness,” which in turn creates a vigorous and ever-increasing “habit of success.”
  4. Develop supreme confidence in yourself and your own abilities – Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat.  Concentrate on your strengths instead of your weaknesses… on your powers, instead of your problems.
  5. Develop a dogged determination to follow through on your plan, regardless of obstacles, criticism, or circumstances or what other people say, think or do – Opportunities never come to those who wait; they are captured by those who dare to attack.

In short, Mr. Meyer’s plan comes down to this.  Set high goals.  Develop a plan for achieving those goals.  Really want your goals.  Believe in yourself and your goals.  Work hard to achieve your goals.  This is the essence of high performance.

The common sense point here is simple.  Follow Paul Meyer’s advice for becoming an outstanding performer.  Vividly imagine a goal that you really want to achieve.  Believe that you can achieve it. Plan how you will achieve it. Do the work necessary to achieve it.   To paraphrase Alex Mandossian, don’t just do your best, do whatever it takes.

That’s it for today.  Thanks for reading.  Log on to my website for more common sense and to subscribe to my weekly newsletter “Common Sense.” 

I’ll see you around the web and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.


PS: Speaking of Alex’s Lemonade Stand, my fundraising page is still open.  Please go to to read Alex’s inspiring story and to donate if you can.


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