I’m big on developing positive habits. This article lists five habits most successful people have incorporated into their evening schedule.
All five are great habits to develop. I have found that reading is my most positive habit. I spend at least an hour every day reading business publications. Publishers send me business books to review, so I always have on of those going. I also take the local paper as well as several business related publications — Bloomberg Business Week, Fast Company, SUCCESS Magazine and Inc. Magazine. I also read blog posts on Forbes.com.
I read to keep up with what’s happening in the world and what’s happening in the world of business. I do this because I want to make sure that I am armed with the latest information so that I can run en effective coaching and consulting business and best help my clients.
I read for enjoyment at the end of the day . I’m a big history, historical fiction and biography reader. And, I must confess, I enjoy a good thriller. Usually this is for 45 minutes to an hour before going to sleep. Although sometimes I get caught up in the story and read way past my scheduled bed time.
Reading is relaxing. Reading is a great way to stay informed. Reading makes me a better, more well rounded professional. Reading is a habit you need to develop.
Your career mentor,
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