Four Tips for Shining in a Job Interview

Job interviews can be stressful.  When we’re under stress we sometimes say things that we regret.  This article lists 20 phrases you’ll want to strike from your interview vocabulary…

Some of these examples are a little dated.  For example, I haven’t heard somebody say, “that’s so gay” since about 1985.  But if you’re a retro guy or gal, and have this expression in your vocabulary, get rid of it.  It is demeaning.

On the other hand, I have heard people use the words “and stuff” all the time in interviews.  As the article points out.  “I worked with clients and stuff” is not a solid answer to an interview question.  At best it shows that you are unprepared.  At worst, it shows that you are inarticulate.  You should be able to give specific examples of what you’ve done and the results you achieved.

You can avoid the “and stuff” problem by doing four things.  First, research the company and the position.  Second, come up with a list of questions you are likely to get in the interview.  Third, prepare answers to these questions.  Fourth — and most important — practice your answers out loud.  It really helps to hear how your answers sound when you say them out loud.

Follow these four tips and you’ll be well prepared for an interview — and the better prepared you are the more likely you’ll be to land the job.

Your career mentor,


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