Goal Setting and Affirmations

Today is Wednesday, so this post is on outstanding performance.

On Monday, I mentioned Dr. Joe Capista’s great new book What Can A Dentist Teach You About Business, Life & Success.  I highlighted some of Dr. Capista’s thoughts on mentoring.

Today, I’d like to share some of his thoughts on goals and goal setting.  As you know, all outstanding performers set and achieve high goals.  They also are lifelong learners and are well organized.

Here are Dr. Joe Capista’s thoughts on goals and goal setting.  They are in the summary of Chapter 3 in What Can A Dentist Teach You About Business, Life & Success.

  1. Goal setting is the cornerstone of achievement.
  2. Write your goals.  Review them daily – in the morning and at night.
  3. Write your goals in the present tense.
  4. Write your major goals or a summary of your goals on a 3 X 5 card and carry it in your pocket.
  5. Have goals for all facets of your life: Business, Financial, Personal, Physical, Health and Spiritual.
  6. Your goals require commitment and discipline to accomplish them.
  7. Review your goals at least once a year.
  8. Your goals should be aligned with your values.
  9. Mastermind groups can be a help in accomplishing your goals.
  10. Goals are essential for both business and personal success.
  11. You can have anything in life if you want it badly enough and are willing to pay the price.

I particularly like point 3, “Write your goals in the present tense.”  When you do so you are stating them not as if they are something that might happen sometime in the future, but as something that is reality today.  You are creating an affirmation.  Affirmations are very powerful tools for accomplishing your goals. 

When I was writing Straight Talk for Success, my goal was to write a best seller.  I repeated the goal/affirmation, “Straight Talk for Success is a best seller,” several times a day.  I say it even more often now that it is at the printers and I am getting ready to begin a very active marketing campaign.

In a previous blog post, I told the story of another one of my goals and the corresponding affirmation.  My goal is to be a star in the career and life success field.  A few years ago, I went to the Name a Star Directory and named a star after myself.  Now I can say, “Bud Bilanich is a star,” and really believe it because Bud Bilanich, is in fact, a star.

The common sense point here is simple.  Goals are the cornerstone of achievement.  The best start to achieving your goals is to write them, and then review them frequently.  Turn your goals into affirmations by writing them in the present tense.  Be willing to do the work necessary to turn your goals into reality.

By the way, Dr. Capista has continued his special offer for one more day.   If you purchase What Can A Dentist Teach You About Business, Life & Success today (March 5), you will receive over $2500 in bonus gifts.  I am going to buy a couple of copies for people that I mentor.  You can take advantage of this offer by going to http://www.joecapista.com/amazon.htm.

That’s it for today.  Thanks for reading.  Log on to my website www.BudBilanich.com for more common sense.  I am not posting regularly on my www.CommonSenseGuy.com blog right now, as I want to concentrate on this one.  It is still up though.  Please don’t cancel your RSS feed as there is a lot of good content there, and I will be posting there occasionally. 

I’ll see you around the web and at Alex’s Lemonade Stand.


PS: Speaking of Alex’s Lemonade Stand, my fundraising page is still open.  Please go to www.FirstGiving.com/TheCommonSenseGuy to read Alex’s inspiring story and to donate if you can.


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