Here’s How You Can Become a Champion

My friends at the Walk the Talk Company have published four of my books. The other day, they announced the publication of a new book, What Makes the Great Ones Great? 16 Characteristics of a Champion.

As with all the other Walk the Talk books, What Makes the Great Ones Great? Is a no nonsense book full of common sense ideas on what it takes to become great. And who doesn’t want to be great?

Here’s a summary of the 16 characteristics of champions…

  1. Hating to lose more than loving to win: They develop this mind-set by making no excuses when things don’t go their way.
  2. Appreciating the value of association: They understand the importance of their inner circle.
  3. Placing faith in a higher power: They have the perspective on life. Which is driven by an understanding of something bigger than themselves.
  4. Having contagious enthusiasm: Their attitudes are infectious. And they want theirs to be caught by others.
  5. Preparing for all possibilities: They are ready before the game begins.
  6. Having no off-season: They understand they are always working toward the next game. And there is always a game ahead.
  7. Visualizing victory: They can see what success looks like before the opening whistle.
  8. Using Adversity as fuel: The tough moments of their lives become an inner fire.
  9. Being a responsible risk-taker: The great ones understand that most great things occur outside of your comfort zone.
  10. Knowing how and when to make adjustments: What got you there won’t keep you there.
  11. Becoming the ultimate teammate: They understand that even if they are the best on their team. They may have to take a different role for the team to be successful.
  12. Being motivated by more than money: They know that if your driver is cash, you won’t drive long.
  13. Doing right by others: The great ones know that character is defined by how they treat others, without expecting anything in return.
  14. Living with integrity: When no one is watching, they live their lives with integrity.
  15. Being a role model: When everyone is watching, they set the standard for those who look up to them.
  16. Creating a well-rounded legacy: They understand they are not defined by their statistics or accomplishments.

I like all 16 of these ideas. If you can put them to work in your life you’ll be great. You can order the book here.

Your career mentor,


PS: I write this blog to help people create the life and career success they want and deserve. Now I’m going one step further. I’ve created a membership site in which I’ve pulled together my best thoughts on success. And, as a reader of this blog, you can become a member for free. Just go to to claim your free membership. You’ll be joining a vibrant and growing community of success minded professionals. I hope to see you there.

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